
Upcoming / Past Talks + Film Screenings

Talks and interviews based in Sarah’s research involving the sentient relations of trees, sentient ecologies, nonhuman knowing, eco-empathy,  public/multispecies ethnography, Indigenous perspectives, plant science, interspecies communication, the climate crisis, and screenings of Sarah’s films. more >

2024-07-19T21:44:21+00:00July 2024|Community, Events, News, Trees|

This Time Last Winter

Watch the film trailer: Unable to remember a violent incident, Iona returns to her boyfriend’s funky warehouse apartment to look for answers. Through interracial relationships and the healing potential of a talking circle, This Time Last Winter looks at violence in young relationships and the moment of more >

2024-03-19T17:42:11+00:00July 2010|Community, Drama, Films, Teaching|
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