List of Sarah’s publications: peer reviewed and public writing. more >
List of Sarah’s publications: peer reviewed and public writing. more >
Sarah’s article in the online magazine The Conversation. more >
Abstract and open access link to Dr. Sarah Abbott’s Doctorate of Social Sciences dissertation. more >
Sarah Abbott and Simon Leadbeater’s co-authored chapter, “If a Tree Falls… Perspectives on Sentience,” published in Evolving the Forest, edited by Richard Povall, Simon Lloyd & Jeremy Ralph. more >
Sarah’s first solo book chapter, “Filming with Nonhumans,” published in editor Phillip Vannini’s The Routledge International Handbook of Ethnographic Film and Video. more >
Sarah Abbott and Philip Vannini’s co-written book chapter, “Academics Writing for a Broader Public Audience,” published in editor Patricia Leavy’s The Handbook of Arts-Based Research. more >
Sarah Abbott and Phillip Vannini’s co-written book chapter “After the Fine Cut: Disseminating Video-based Research” in The Craft of Qualitative Research: A Handbook, edited by Steven W. Kleinknecht, Lisa-Jo K. van den Scott, and Carrie B. Sanders. more >
Sarah Abbott and Philip Vannini’s co-written chapter, “Going public: The reach and impact of ethnographic research,” published in The Handbook of Arts-Based Research edited by Patricia Leavy. more >