Information, awards and public offerings associated with the course “Engaging Climate Change: Creativity, Community, Intervention” initiated, developed, and taught by Sarah at the University of Regina.
This course was offered through the Faculty of Media, Art, and Performance (MAP) in Winter 2020, Fall 2020 and Fall 2021 for undergraduate and graduate students (Masters and PhD) in any discipline at the University of Regina. Links to recordings of public events held in relation to the class as well as several student projects are available below.
MAP 300AQ/400AD: Engaging Climate Change: Creativity, Community, Intervention, is a multidisciplinary course that explores climate change and environmental concerns, with a focus on resilience, community, Indigenous perspectives, science, artist engagements, local/global projects, and thinking outside the box in the face of change. Assignments are applied and/or artistic explorations of course themes.
The Dr. Garth Pickard Award for Post-Secondary Excellence in Education for Sustainable Development, Regional Centre of Expertise on Education for Sustainable Development (RCE Saskatchewan), an acknowledged RCE of the United Nations University, May 2022.
Education for Sustainable Development Recognition Award, Regional Centre of Expertise on Education for Sustainable Development (RCE Saskatchewan), an acknowledged RCE of the United Nations University, May 2022.

Field Trip: Changing the Climate (90:00) April 11, 2020.
Student sharing of some of their assignment work from the course on a range of climate topics and in various formats.
Hosted by Now What?!: The art of being fully human in a time of crisis.

Arts & Social Change: A virtual field trip to a climate change seminar in Canada (1:22:00) May 27, 2020.
Sarah Abbott, and students Mika Abbott and Amy Snider discuss the Engaging Climate Change course as well as the students’ climate artworks.
Event information page.
Hosted by PerLe – Project for Successful Teaching and Learning, Kiel University, for the online national Public Climate School organised by Students for Future, Germany. In conversation with Frauke Godat, Quality Development Division, Kiel University.

Awards event hosted by the Regional Centre of Expertise on Education for Sustainable Development (RCE Saskatchewan), an acknowledged RCE of the United Nations University, May 4, 2022.
At 2:21:08 in the video, Sarah Abbott’s presentation in receipt of the Dr. Garth Pickard Award for Post-Secondary Excellence in Education for Sustainable Development takes place and includes reading of Otobong James’s poem heal the world.
The 2022 RCE awards celebrated 26 local initiatives that helped further the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals to meet the 2030 and 2050 goals outlined by the Paris Accord. RCE Saskatchewan’s Patron, His Honour the Honourable Russ Mirasty, Lieutenant Governor of Saskatchewan, was in attendance, and Dr. Charles Hopkins, UNESCO Chair in Re-Orienting Education Toward Sustainability at York University, gave the closing keynote address “Education for Sustainable Development in the Anthropocene.”
Otobong James – heal the world – poem spoken word video
Kaitlin Krasushaar – Grades 2/3/4: The Climate and Interdependence lesson plan blog page & materials
Lauren Wilson – Changing the Box, diary reflections on personal change video
Esperanza Sánchez Espitia – Animal Resilience in times of Climate Change video
Otobong James – engaging climate change documentary in conversation with friends video
Honestly I’d say my outlook on climate and how I engage with it has changed. I’ve definitely talked more about it in circles I find myself. I am also a lot more conscious and intentional on actions I take, like; not driving when I don’t have to; unplugging my electronics when they aren’t in use and recycling even a lot more! I’ve also been doing more self educating by reading up on articles and joining live conversations on the topic.
– Otobong James

Ask First draft logo designed by Carla Ballman
for her business project to encourage restaurant staff to ask first if customers want cutlery with their take-out order.

“Our students are the foundation of the future, and it is critical that they understand the consequences and potential rewards that our actions have on us, plants, animals, and the earth.”
– Kaitlin Krasushaar, for grades 2/3/4 eco lesson plan (link)

Punctured (Prairie Landscape), Image One
by Mika Abbott
“The multiple layers within Punctured (Prairie Landscape) reflect on the vast complexities of our often disharmonious, competitive relationship with the earth and climate change. The holes then remind us of chaos that can easily entangle, establishing fear and a sense of entitlement rather than promoting action to fight climate change.”
Image credit: William Sherick, page from book project, Some Thoughts on Climate Change