Coming soonish.
Dr. Sarah Abbott recently completed her interdisciplinary Doctorate of Social Sciences at Royal Roads University. Her dissertation research aimed to understand and share knowledge of the sentient relations of trees and ecological empathy with public and academic audiences, working with a guiding framework of public/multispecies ethnography, Indigenous ways of knowing, ontological emergence theory, plant science, interspecies communication, and ethnographic filmmaking. Sarah received a Vanier Canada Scholarship and the Royal Roads Entrance Award to support her doctoral studies. She received her Master of Fine Arts in Media Arts from Syracuse University and her Bachelor of Arts Honours in Film Studies and Drama from Queen’s University.
Sarah’s independent films, artist works, community projects, talks and writing have focused on experiences of being, human rights, ethics and the environment for over twenty-five years. Her research continues with sentient ecologies and human relations with ecological nonhumans and their worlds. Her film work in all genres (documentary, narrative, experimental, and dance) has received national and international recognition through film festival selections, television broadcasts, awards, and funding. Sarah received the 2012 Saskatchewan Lieutenant Governor’s Arts Award for Arts and Learning, and the 2009 Regina Mayor’s Arts and Business Awards for Innovation in recognition of her filmmaking endeavours, innovative teaching, ability to bridge cultures, commitment to empowering people, and passion for communicating hard-hitting issues. Her film work and community projects have largely involved on Indigenous concerns and culture since her documentary Tide Marks (2004), which centers on the lives of four grassroots anti-apartheid activists ten years after South Africa’s first democratic elections.
At the University of Regina, Sarah is an associate professor in the Department of Film, Faculty of Media, Art, and Performance (MAP). She teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in film production, ethnographic practice, sentient ecologies, and climate change in arts-based, social science, humanities, and interdisciplinary contexts. Sarah developed the first MAP course in climate change for the Winter 2020 semester and taught it three times. In 2022, this multidisciplinary course, Engaging Climate Change: Creativity, Community, Intervention, received the Dr. Garth Pickard Award for Post-Secondary Excellence in Education for Sustainable Development from the Regional Centre of Expertise on Education for Sustainable Development in Saskatchewan (RCE Saskatchewan), an acknowledged RCE of the United Nations University.
In 2006, Sarah developed a teaching model wherein film production students work alongside local film industry experts on a professionally-run set. She produced two half-hour dramatic films through these classes: Out In The Cold (2008), inspired by the freezing deaths of Indigenous men allegedly at the hands of Saskatoon police, and This Time Last Winter (2010), which focuses on violence in young relationships, interracial relationships and the healing potential of talking circles. Following the Saskatchewan premiere screenings of these films, Sarah held panel discussions on the topics of Indigenous/police relations and violence in young relationships with Regina and Saskatoon police chiefs and local experts participating for these packed public audience events. From 2005 to 2010, Sarah was the thread of continuity for the founding of mispon – A Celebration of Indigenous Filmmaking film festival and advocacy collective in Regina. In 2013, she developed an 8-week media literacy course called Engaging Media and Indigenous Youth for vulnerable youth that was held at an Indigenous community centre in Regina.
Select CV
| Environment awareness, empathy and rights
| Climate crisis action
| Tree sentience
| Nonhuman cognition, rights and interrelations
| Indigenous cultures and issues
| Human rights
| Ethics
| Community engagement
| Ethnographic inquiry
| Experiences of being
Doctor of Social Sciences
College of Interdisciplinary Studies, Faculty of Social and Applied Sciences, Royal Roads University, Victoria, British Columbia, 2021
Dissertation Title: Tree Knowing: Ethnographic Encounters, Sensuous Scholarship, Relational Ontologies, and Environmental Empathy
Funding: Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship (2014-2017) & Royal Roads University Entrance Award
Master of Fine Arts
Media Arts, College of Visual and Performing Arts, Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York, 2003
Funding: Syracuse University All-University Graduate Fellowship (2000-2003)
Bachelor of Arts Honours
Film Studies and Drama, Faculty of Arts and Science, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, 1991
2014 | Vanier Canada Scholarship (2014-2017)
Royal Roads University Entrance Award |
2013 | Out In The Cold – Honourable Mention, Fiction Short, University Film and Video Association |
2012 | Saskatchewan Lieutenant Governor’s Arts Award for Arts and Learning |
2010 | Out In The Cold – Best Special Effects Award, University of Toronto Film Festival
This Time Last Winter – Best Actress (Danna Henderson), Winnipeg Aboriginal Film Festival |
2009 | Out In The Cold – Regina Mayor’s Arts and Business Award for Innovation in the Arts, for production and university class project in which students worked alongside local film professionals to make the film.
Out In The Cold – Nominations: Male Lead Performance x 2 (Gordon Tootoosis & Mathew Strongeagle); Editing (Sarah Abbott), Original Score (Ben Schubert), and Post-Production Special Effects (Jack Tunnicliffe), Saskatchewan Motion Picture Industry Association Showcase Awards. |
2008 | Out In The Cold – Nomination: Best Live Action Short, American Indian Film Festival |
2000 | Syracuse University All-University Graduate Fellowship (2000-2003)
The Light in Our Lizard Bellies, Why I Hate Bees, Froglight – Honourable Mentions, Ann Arbor Film Festival |
1999 | Why I Hate Bees – Grand Prize: Cabbagetown Film Festival, Toronto |
1998 | Why I Hate Bees – Best Canadian Lesbian Short, Inside Out Film Festival, Toronto |
1992 | My Withered Tomato Friend – “One Star Award,” Canadian International Film Festival |
2014 | Vanier Canada Scholarship (2014-2017)
Royal Roads University Entrance Award Independent Artists’ Media grant, Saskatchewan Arts Board (The Dewdney Project) Humanities Research Institute Fellowship, University of Regina (The Dewdney Project & Phillip Vannini lecture) Professional Development/Scholarly Activity Pool, Royal Roads University (Phillip Vannini, The Dewdney Project) |
2012 | Saskatchewan Arts Board, Creative Partnerships, Partnership Explorations Program Grant (Engaging Media and Indigenous Youth) |
2011 | Saskatchewan Filmpool Cooperative Post-Production Grant (Digging into Wounds)
Humanities Research Institute Assistance Award for Visiting Speakers, University of Regina (This Time Last Winter) |
2010 | Saskatchewan Filmpool Cooperative Production Grant (A Practice of Not Knowing) |
2009 | SSHRC/President’s General Research Grant, University of Regina (Recipe for Stinging Nettle Soup)
ACTRA Talent Development Fund financial support (This Time Last Winter) National Film Board of Canada – Filmmakers Assistance Program Grant (This Time Last Winter) Saskatchewan Communications Network (SCN) broadcast pre-license (This Time Last Winter) |
2008 | SSHRC/President’s General Research Grant, The University of Regina (This Time Last Winter)
SaskFilm financial support (This Time Last Winter) Saskatchewan Motion Picture Industry Association financial support (This Time Last Winter) Humanities Research Institute Assistance Award for Visiting Speakers, University of Regina (Out In The Cold) Saskatchewan Filmpool Cooperative Distribution Grant (Out In The Cold) |
2007 | Canadian Independent Film and Video Fund Production Grant (Out In The Cold)
National Film Board of Canada – Filmmakers Assistance Program Grant (Out In The Cold) Saskatchewan Motion Picture Association financial support (Out In The Cold) ACTRA Talent Development Fund financial support (Out In The Cold) Saskatchewan Communications Network (SCN) broadcast pre-license (Out In The Cold) Saskatchewan Filmpool Cooperative Distribution Grant (Tide Marks) Humanities Research Institute Publication Grant, The University of Regina (Out In The Cold |
2006 | Mill Atelier Foundation Grant for Santa Fe Art Institute residency, New Mexico (The Ascension of Billy)
Humanities Research Institute Research Grant, The University of Regina (The Ascension of Billy) |
2005 | Humanities Research Institute Publication Grant, The University of Regina (Tide Marks)
Travel Grant, Canada Council for the Arts, Media Arts (Tide Marks) |
2004 | SSHRC/President’s General Research Fund Grant, The University of Regina (The Ascension of Billy)
Faculty of Fine Arts Research Fund, The University of Regina (The Ascension of Billy) |
2002 | College of Visual and Performing Arts Research/Creative Project Grant, Syracuse University (Tide Marks) |
2001 | Travel Grant, Department of Media Arts, Syracuse University (artist presentation, Cape Town, South Africa) |
2000 | Syracuse University Graduate Fellowship (2000-2003)
The Ontario Arts Council, Media Arts Production Grant (The Ascension of Billy) Walter Phillips Gallery project support, The Banff Centre for the Arts (The Ascension of Billy) |
1999 | The Banff Centre for the Arts Residency Fellowship (Recipe for Stinging Nettle Soup)
The Liaison of Independent Filmmakers Toronto Production Grant (Recipe for Stinging Nettle Soup) |
1998 | The National Film Board of Canada – Filmmakers Assistance Program Grant (The Light in our Lizard Bellies)
Travel Grant, Canada Council for the Arts, Media Arts (Froglight) |
1996 | The Canada Council for the Arts, First Projects, Media Arts Production Grant (Why I Hate Bees) |
Produced, written, directed, filmed, and edited by Sarah Abbott (unless otherwise noted)
Engaging Media and Indigenous Youth
Documentary, HD, colour, stereo, 12:40, 2014
Cinematographer/Editor: Matt Yim
This Time Last Winter: The Making Of
Documentary, HD, colour, stereo, 13:30, 2013
Cinematographer: Mathew Howard
Editor: Matt Yim
In the Minds of All Beings: Tsogyal Latso of Tibet
Documentary, HD, colour, stereo, 21:00, 2011
Producer: Jnanasukha (www.jnanasukha.org)
— Filmed on location in Central Tibet
Pam & Bryan’s Denman Garden
Experimental, Super 8, separate sound, 3:00, 2010
This Time Last Winter
Drama, Red One Camera, colour, 5.1/stereo, 25:00, 2010
Award: Best Actress, Winnipeg Aboriginal Film Festival, 2010 (Danna Henderson)
Broadcast: Aboriginal Peoples Television Network (APTN) (2013–)
Producer & Co-writer: Sarah Abbott
Director & Co-writer: Ann Verrall
Cinematography: Mark Dobrescu, CSC
Editor: Jackie Dzuba
Music: Ramses Calderon, Marshall Burns, Rah Rah
Principle Cast: Danna Henderson, Ian Brodland, Cheryl Jack, Erroll Kinistino
Out In The Cold
Drama, Super 16mm production/ HD exhibition, colour, 5.1 / stereo, 30:00, 2008
Awards: Mayor’s Arts & Business Award for Innovation, City of Regina, 2009; Best Special Effects,
University of Toronto Film Festival, 2010; Honourable Mention, Fiction Short, University Film and Video Association, 2013
Nominations: Saskatchewan Motion Picture Industry Association Showcase Awards (SMPIA), 2009 – Editing, (Sarah Abbott), Performance – Male Lead x 2, Original Score, Post-Production Special Effects; Best Live Action Short, American Indian Film Festival, 2008.
Broadcast: Saskatchewan Communications Network (SCN) (2011)
Producer & Editor: Sarah Abbott.
Director: Colleen Murphy. Writer: Cheryl Jack.
Cinematography: Ivan Gekoff, CSC. Cast: Gordon Tootoosis, Erroll Kinistino, Mathew Strongeagle
Tide Marks digital video, colour, stereo, 97:00, 2004
• Shot on location in Cape Town, South Africa
Patching digital video, colour, stereo, 21:00, 2002
knee level digital video, colour, stereo, 7:00, 2002
In collaboration with Tanya Boggs
- One camera placement, shot over three days with elaborate continuity planning.
here mixed media, digital video, colour, stereo, 2002
12 minutes single channel; looped multiple screen installation
My Heart The Prophet and My Heart The Lunchbox digital video, colour, stereo, 1.45 each, 2001. In collaboration with Jeremy Drummond.
looking back to see digital video, colour, stereo, 19:30, 2001
rug digital video, colour, stereo, 18:30, 2000
The Light in our Lizard Bellies 16mm, B&W, mono optical, 8:00, 1999
Award: Honourable Mention, Ann Arbor Film Festival, 2000
- Selected for Experimental Works for Educational Environments, DVD compilation published by
the Canadian Filmmakers Distribution Centre. 2005 Toronto.
- Selected for Independent Short Film in Canada 1967 – 2002, Canadian Filmmakers Distribution
Centre’s 35th Anniversary Tour
- Selected for Special Edition Compilation DVD published by The Journal of Film and Video.
University Film and Video Association. Volume 54, number 1. 2001. (juried selection)
Dance film with choreography, performance and sound design by Susanna Hood
Hand processed by Sarah Abbott
Why I Hate Bees 16mm, colour, mono optical, 4:00, 1997
Awards: Best Canadian Lesbian Short, Inside Out, Toronto, 1998; Grand Prize – Cabbagetown Film Festival, Toronto, 1999; Honourable Mention, Ann Arbor Film Festival, 2000
Broadcast: Canadian Broadcast Corporation (CBC) (1999-2000); The Knowledge Network, Vancouver (2000); Showcase Television, Canada (2002); Pride Vision, Toronto (2002); WYBE-TV, New York (2002); Independent Film Channel (2003)
Froglight 16mm, B&W, mono optical, 3:30, 1997
Award: Honourable Mention, Ann Arbor Film Festival, 2000
Broadcast: Women’s Television Network (WTN) (1998–)
- Hand processed by Sarah Abbott
my withered tomato friend 16mm, colour, mono optical, 9:00, 1991
In collaboration with Michelle Harrison.
Award: “One Star,” Canadian International Film Festival, 1992
Abbott, S. (forthcoming). Filming with Nonhumans. In Vannini, P. (Ed.), Handbook of ethnographic research. London: Routledge.
Vannini, P. & Abbott, S. (forthcoming). Academics writing for a broader public audience. In Leavy, P. (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Methods for Public Scholarship (pp. 603-622). New York: Oxford University Press.
Abbott, S. & Vannini, P. (2019). After the fine cut: Disseminating video-based research. In Kleinknecht, S., van den Scott, L., and Sanders, C. (Eds.), The Craft of Qualitative Research: A Handbook (pp. 358–364). Toronto: Canadian Scholars’ Press.
Vannini, P. & Abbott, S. (2018). Going public: The reach and impact of ethnographic research. In Leavy, P. (Ed.), Handbook of arts-based research (pp. 689-704). New York: Guilford Press.
Abbott, S. (2007, November). The last fish. At the MacKenzie. MacKenzie Art Gallery, Regina.
Abbott, S. (2006, November). Heading south (vers le sud). Briarpatch Magazine, 35(7) [film review]
Abbott, S. & Wihak, M. (2003, March 15). Lives lived: Thomas David Berner. The Globe and Mail.
Abbott, S. (2003, May) Some physiological effects of film and digital video making.” Liaison of Independent Filmmakers Toronto newsletter, 23(2).
Abbott, S. (2003). Notes for The Light in our Lizard Bellies. The Journal of Film and Video, 54(1). University Film and Video Association. [Special Edition Compilation DVD]
Abbott, S. (2001). Ear Stones. In Sandlos, K. & Hoolboom, M. (eds) Landscape with shipwreck: First person cinema and the films of Philip Hoffman. Toronto: Images Festival and Insomniac Press.
Abbott, S. (2001). Untitled article on how to cut your film negative. In Hill, H. (ed) Recipes for disaster: A handcrafted film cookbooklet. Louisiana: Helen Hill.
Abbott, S. (1997, June). Give the people what they want. Liaison of Independent Filmmakers Toronto Newsletter, 17(3). [Inside Out Lesbian & Gay Film Festival review]
Abbott, S. (1996, June). So, are your parents coming? Liaison of Independent Filmmakers Toronto Newsletter, 16(3). [Images Film & Video Festival review]
2014-2017 | Vanier Canada Scholarship |
2013 | Engaging Media and Indigenous Youth, community-based 8-week teaching project developed by Sarah to engage Indigenous youth on issues of media literacy and Indigenous culture, and to develop knowledge and skills in media awareness and Indigenous filmmaking, communication and critical thinking. Video about the project: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8wwStVgPDD8
This Time Last Winter the Making Of (25:00, Canada). Behind the scenes on the production of This Time Last Winter, with commentary on the making of the film by key crew members and actors: www.youtube.com/watch?v=_CSYTh-vbfM |
2012 | Saskatchewan Lieutenant Governor’s Arts Award for Arts and Learning. |
2011 | In the Minds of All Beings: Tsogyal Latso of Tibet (21:00, Tibet/Canada/USA). Documentary about Yeshe Tsogyal, the first enlightened woman in Tibet; shot on location in Central Tibet. Directed, shot and edited by Sarah Abbott, written by Sarah Abbott & Lama Dechen Yeshe Wangmo. View the film: https://vimeo.com/189511924 |
2010 | This Time Last Winter (25:00, Canada). Narrative film about violence in young relationships, interracial relationships, and the healing potential of talking circles. Directed by Ann Verrall, written by Sarah Abbott and Ann Verrall, produced by Sarah Abbott. Award: Best Actress Danna Henderson), Winnipeg Aboriginal Film Festival, 2010. Film trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYEhg6oZR8A&t=2s |
2009 | Regina Mayor’s Arts and Business Award for Innovation in the Arts for production of Out In The Cold. |
- 2008 – Out In The Cold (30:00, Canada). Narrative film inspired by the freezing deaths of First Nations men in Saskatoon allegedly at the hands of police. Directed by Colleen Murphy, produced and edited by Sarah Abbott. Award: Best Special Effects, University of Toronto Film Festival, 2010. Honourable Mention, Fiction Short, University Film and Video Association, 2013. Nominations: Best Live Action Short, American Indian Film Festival, 2008; Male Lead Performance (Gordon Tootoosis & Mathew Strongeagle), Editing, Original Score, and Post-Production Special Effects, Saskatchewan Motion Picture Industry Association Showcase Awards, 2009. For this work, Sarah was one of five URegina faculty featured in Realize, the university president’s 2009 report to the community.
- 2008 – The Last Fish, guest curated exhibition at the MacKenzie Art Gallery, Regina. Sarah’s artist engagement with the permanent collection resulted in an exhibition centered on an homage to the last fish alive in the face of ecological crisis due to human impact on the environment, and the notion we used to take for granted that the environment would be abundant, pristine, and forever available to us.
- 2005-2010 – Co-founder and President of mispon: A Celebration of Indigenous Film festival, Regina
- 2005-2006 – Co-coordinator of the Food Bank Lecture series, University of Regina and the Regina Food Bank. Lunchtime speaker series designed to bring food bank users and URegina faculty and students together for inspiring talks and lunch.
- 2004 – Tide Marks (97:00, Canada/USA/South Africa). Feature-length documentary explores aspects of post-apartheid South Africa ten years after the first democratic elections, with a focus on the lives of four former freedom fighters. Directed, written, produced, shot and edited by Sarah Abbott. Shot on location in Cape Town, South Africa. View Excerpts from Tide Marks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k-9_Yf-ZvWM&list=UUnA520UldjwDlv2qFHlf3Lw
- 2000-2003 – Art video works produced through Master of Fine Arts degree. looking back to see (19:30, USA/Canada) was one of five video works selected by Lewis Kaye for his curated exhibition exploring archival issues, Hearing Video (Vtape, March 2018).
- 1999 – The Light in our Lizard Bellies (8:00, Canada). Dance film featuring performance, choreography and vocal work of Susanna Hood. Directed, written, produced, edited and shot by Sarah Abbott. Award: Honourable Mention, Ann Arbor Film Festival, 2000. Film included in DVD compilations released through the Canadian Filmmakers Distribution Centre, and the University Film and Video Association in the United States.
- 1997 – Why I Hate Bees (4:00, Canada). A comedic experimental reflection of a young girl’s memories of near death experiences, based on the short story by Nancy Jo Cullen. Directed, written, produced, edited and shot by Sarah Abbott. Awards: Grand Prize – Cabbagetown Film Festival, Toronto, 1999; Best Canadian Lesbian Short, Inside Out, Toronto, 1998; Honourable Mention, Ann Arbor Film Festival, 2000.
- 1997 – Froglight (3:30, Canada). Experimental reflection on having faith in the unknown. Directed, written, produced, edited and shot by Sarah Abbott. Award: Honourable Mention, Ann Arbor Film Festival, 2000.
- 1991 – My Withered Tomato Friend (9:00, Canada). An experimental film questioning conventional ideologies of representation of women and the denial of domestic violence. Made in total collaboration with Michelle Harrison. Award:“One Star,” Canadian International Film Festival, 1992.
2014-2017 Vanier Canada Scholarship
2013 Honourable Mention, Fiction Short, University Film and Video Association (Out in the Cold)
2013Honourable Mention, Fiction Short, University Film and Video Association (Out in the Cold)
2014-2017 | Vanier Canada Scholarship |
2013 | Honourable Mention, Fiction Short, University Film and Video Association (Out in the Cold) |
2012 | Saskatchewan Lieutenant Governor’s Arts Award for Arts and Learning |
2010 | Best Special Effects Award, University of Toronto Film Festival (Out in the Cold) Best Actress (Danna Henderson), Winnipeg Aboriginal Film Festival (This Time Last Winter) |
2009 | Regina Mayor’s Arts and Business Award for Innovation in the Arts for production and university class project of Out In The Cold.
Nominations: Male Lead Performance x 2 (Gordon Tootoosis & Mathew Strongeagle); Editing (Sarah Abbott), Original Score (Ben Schubert), and Post-Production Special Effects (Jack Tunnicliffe), Saskatchewan Motion Picture Industry Association Showcase Awards. |
2008 | Nomination: Best Live Action Short, American Indian Film Festival (Out in the Cold) |
2000-2003 | Syracuse University All-University Graduate Fellowship |
- 1999 – The Light in our Lizard Bellies Honourable Mention, Ann Arbor Film Festival, 2000.
- 1997 – Why I Hate Bees (4:00, Canada). A comedic experimental reflection of a young girl’s memories of near death experiences, based on the short story by Nancy Jo Cullen. Directed, written, produced, edited and shot by Sarah Abbott. Awards: Grand Prize – Cabbagetown Film Festival, Toronto, 1999; Best Canadian Lesbian Short, Inside Out, Toronto, 1998; Honourable Mention, Ann Arbor Film Festival, 2000.
- 1997 – Froglight (3:30, Canada). Experimental reflection on having faith in the unknown. Directed, written, produced, edited and shot by Sarah Abbott. Award: Honourable Mention, Ann Arbor Film Festival, 2000.
- 1991 – My Withered Tomato Friend (9:00, Canada). An experimental film questioning conventional ideologies of representation of women and the denial of domestic violence. Made in total collaboration with Michelle Harrison. Award:“One Star,” Canadian International Film Festival, 1992.