Sarah Abbott and Simon Leadbeater’s co-authored chapter, “If a Tree Falls… Perspectives on Sentience,” published in Evolving the Forest, edited by Richard Povall, Simon Lloyd & Jeremy Ralph.

Through a lens of perspectives for and against accepting the sentience of trees, this chapter reflects on different understandings of trees and woodlands as alive or inert; deforestation and climate change; the role of forestry in its relationship with woodlands; thought patterns; and concepts of interconnection. (p. 177)

View a sample page from the chapter or find out about Simon Leadbeater.

Evolving the Forest celebrates the past and future of trees, woods, and forests with a wide array of contributions from artists, scientists, policy-makers, foresters, NGOs, historians, philosophers and others. The book’s generous design includes 230+ colour illustrations and is curated into three sections: ecology and forest management; creative responses; and philosophy & polemic.

Abbott, S. & Leadbeater, S. (2020). If a Tree Falls… Perspectives on Sentience. In R. Povall, S. Lloyd, & J. Ralph (Eds.), Evolving the Forest (pp. 175-182). Kingsbridge, UK: Books.

Book cover + header image: Photo credit TBA.